Separate names with a comma.
Give the guy a break he's translating from his native Russian into his best English with help. Let's see you do as well in his language and as he...
Yeah, that and the fact that after a while you can't get anywhere because you can't get enough stickers to get any further without spending money...
64gb and no room!
You're right just leave it! The only problem is your character sometimes gets stuck going upstairs, does look very nice though. Love the church!...
You summed up my feelings exactly! I've seen this a hundred times, the only difference is the Star Wars aspect. They're not strategy games! You...
Yeh they should, but they won't. Because they won't be able to milk those games for cash. So they'll just keep putting out crap like this! There's...
Looks very nice, tho a bit dark. It's a bit of a pain in the arse trying to find your way about though! Still, I will persevere.
Good, but where's the laser noises and engine sounds? It's not a space game without them!
Yeh mines is in the water too and I can't get enough stickers to do anything about it as it takes way too many! It's really stupid. I'm almost at...
That all sounds great, looking forward to each update as it comes. It's interesting that you've released the game in such a way that we can see...
Will those weather effects work on older devices like the ipod 5?
Well we help when we can. You're a busy man, making a good game better and the less problems people have the more posititive reviews you get, the...
What's the ore for anyway? How do you get the Astari to join your village? They just seem to sit around moping! They're a real downer!
It doesn't necessarily save but if you do something like activate a tower it stays activated. Like the ability to change into an eagle. If it...
SoA does live up to the hype! It just keeps getting better all the time! I played the DC version then I got the GameCube version which I still...
I too look forward to seeing how this turns out. As You say the best classic games never age or look dated, like SotC and Skies of Arcadia and...
Love games with butterflies! I like the idea of a butterfly spirit.
There is a "sculpt ocean" card, but it probably takes about 90 stickers or something to activate it! Ah the poor Astari! Once a thriving village...
Well it's quite good! Graphics are decent and it's free. The free play mechanics aren't greedy. And apart from Sentinel 4 it's the only game out...