Separate names with a comma.
He is the first to get this far.
I knowed before all of you! On twitter zincous @replyed me before he posted this thread or tweeted to everyone about it! It's because i'm awesome...
A few highscores, hahahaha.
Sorry deleted post
I want this more than any game right now.
For once in England for me it's not raining, but i live up north and i guess you live down south in London or something.
No, it could be any min! Because ngmoco releasted touch pets, eliminate and we rule out as soon as they are approved and app approval has been...
No posts? Come on, doodle bomb and OF are awesome.
Wow, the freemium works miles better in we rule than elimiante and touch pets.
Aww, i wanted rayman 1, but i will stil buy it.
And it is gone! Who really cares anyway, unless it's like that IUGO game.
This, is awesome!...
I'm a beta tester. It's a pretty fun game you can play in 30 secs.
Cool, but one problem, no monkey! :p
Yay! I love ngmoco and i love freemium! I get a great game for free and i not that annoyed to wait to play some more because with the money i...
I was stuck on that for a long time, beat it, then was stuck on stone hat for a long time, beat that and i have been stuck on 3rd hat level for a...
End of golden skull i think there is loads of coins or gems, also stone hatbox near the start, i got the achievement from there. Edit: I think, i...
Wow just wow, best FPS shooter on the app store by miles, miles!
That's the NZ price, i guessing you are from the USA, and it will be $7.99 for USA app store.
Will pick this up when it hits midnight in UK or tomorrow morning if i can't be assed staying up.