Separate names with a comma.
To be honest, I really had to force myself to finish LBP 1&2 on my PS3, so that reason alone is keeping me from picking up the Vita version. Well,...
Uncharted and Ninja Gaiden are the only games I've played through more than once. Glad that Team Ninja are bringing Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 to the...
Randy actually said that it would be in Sony's hands if the wished to task another team with the port. So if Sony wished to offer it to Nilhistic...
Well, I've never played the game personally but I do know that apparently Capcom did eventually fix the issue. Still, unfinished modes and on the...
John Carmack mentions how, granted the gift of time, he'd love to explore the possibility of Doom 3 BFG Edition for the PS Vita, WiiU and even...
For me personally, the Call of Duty games are about as monotonous as the Halo games. As JBRUU mentioned, its financial aspect that sees them...
Ha, I remember that one. Can you believe that there's actually Let's Play videos of it on YouTube? Did you ever play The Crystal Rainforest? I...
I've actually seen a lot of people base Resistance's mediocrity down to the dev's lack of experience with FPS shooters, but I don't think thats...
It's worth noting that, whilst some are certain it's a new IP based on the name Wild Blood, it is possible that 'Wild Blood' could simply be the...
There are training videos in the options that show you how to do pretty much everything, and yet I'm still struggling to pull them off.
I've just picked up the 'only' copy GAME had in stock! Seriously, ONE copy?
That, for me, is the problem. I have a 3DS with the Circle Pad Pro and whilst it's surprisingly comfortable, there's no denying that it adds a...
I think it's pretty safe to assume you'll get a tablet controller bundled with the system. The $100 would be for additional controllers seen as...
Ok, I know I'm a little late to the party but my brother gave me an unopened copy of Mass Effect 3 for the PS3 not long ago. Rather than dive...
For those who don't already know, Nintendo released the Kingdom Hearts and Theatrerhythm demo's into the eShop yesterday.
You, sir, are an absolute legend! I was pretty bummed out at not receiving and email, but now thanks to that link you provided, I'm downloading...
I do feel your pain. I've been waiting to download Killzone: Liberation and Syphon Filter: Logans Shadow for ages. Neither available on the Vita...
Whilst I understand that, I still don't know why they have to alter the games. I know it sometimes has to do with publishers but some of the games...
How come there is only 10 free PS+ games today here in the UK whereas the US got 12? And I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they're not all the...
My honest opinion with Sony is that I think they're a little concerned when it come to the future. Sure, the PS3 is doing well now but it...