Separate names with a comma. One week sale to celebrate the game launching on Steam. Price good from now...
Underground Book Storage, 4th Floor Put the Monks to sleep, gunned down the Archers as they climbed to get us, gunned down the Knights, gunned...
Orator Challenge Germinas Peak Once again, the Archers were the biggest threat. I had Ramza's side of the map charge forward and eliminate...
Orator Challenge, Chapter 4 Goland Colliery 1 (optional) Turned the Chemist nearest to my party Traitor and opened fire. Beowulf landed a...
Got it in one. That's the first of three battles in the series. I just stomped that one on the first try, seeing as how I brought guns to a gun...
Orator Challenge Inside Riovanes Castle Took me a few tries to work out how to beat Wiegraf at level 19 with Mediator, but once I figured...
Great! Make sure to make a spare save file when you get to the Yuguewood. I'm backing out of Riovanes to get another new character. I did some...
Did some prep for Riovanes. Took half an hour to do the following: - Nuke 3 people's Faith down a few points - Send Ladd on some missions to...
Not happening. I can easily do the first half of the battle every time, but the second half is getting me. He has 900-1000 HP, and I'm lucky to do...
Orator Challenge The Yuguewood This battle typically isn't much of a threat. We focused down one or two enemies per turn, often catching the...
You don't need command lines other than attack when your gear gives you +450 HP, 80% physical evasion, 75% magical evasion, auto-protect,...
Onion Knight levels up for each 2 other jobs you have mastered. Basically, it's hot garbage until you get almost every other job in the game...
Wrong Wiegraf battle, I think - Winter9 just mentioned Monastery Underground, so I think they're a little before that one. In Monastery...
Nope. You have to do the math manually. If you have the space for it, you can help yourself out by equipping Battle Boots or whatever other Move+1...
Orator Challenge I forgot to mention that after Lesalia, I also picked up five sets of Germinas Boots. These will come in Super Handy here in a...
Orator Challenge Mining City of Gollund This is typically one of the easier battles in the game, but I had a run of awful luck that meant it...
Yep, 99. You'll easily hit that, I'm sure. Plot battles are going to be somewhat of a breeze for you in spots because the plot battles are at a...
Orator Challenge Golgollada Gallows, A.K.A. Golgorand Execution Site As expected, this one took a while. I had a solid strategy (land two...
- Yep, there are some shields and armors that absorb elements. You won't run across those for a while. You can also nullify certain elements with...
Can't dual-wield guns. Though I do love them because they can't be evaded except by the rare exception such as the Samurai counter ability...