Separate names with a comma.
Jetpack Joyride and Bike Baron from your list of potential buys fit all of your criterion perfectly. They are two cheap, good-looking, non-RPG...
The un-selfaware tech demos are the only games that are becoming stale on iOS.
Awesome freebie. I was thoroughly happy with my purchase for three bucks.
Cool ideas. Quoting so that Halfbrick sees them, considers them, or is inspired by them to create something else! Instead of a trumpet, a tuba...
Uncharted 3 was the last straw. I am getting a PS3, and no-one can stop me! Mac + iOS + PS2 (lol) isn't cutting it anymore...
The balance update was submitted, correct?
Uh huh. Not really sure I'm proud of it, though... :o The next poster has seen this video before.
I got the robot suit. It's really cool, but I've got a ways to go before I can buy one of those new jetpacks. -__-
Thanks, buying it now to support the devs (and because of the FREAKING EXPENSIVE yet FREAKING AWESOME costumes and jetpacks in the new update :p).
EDIT: They're back! I don't know how Muscat did it, but the coins are all back after updating! :) EDIT2: What does the Counterfeit Machine do,...
I bought practically every game on there, and love 'em all to death. But as fun as they all are, there is only one clear winner: Mage Gauntlet!
No "link to the past" like puzzles, but, adding on to what crex said, there are plenty of Zelda references and inspirations in both gameplay and...
Thanks. It's always good to have something to work towards, even in games where the gameplay is a blast anyways. :)
I ended up just dashing past everyone on Ork Forest Level 3 so that I could continue onwards. :o Master mode is unlocked after collecting all of...
Two! :) The next person is listening to music whilst trolling this forum (like me).
Something inspired that doesn't simply use the Gameloft sequel checklist.
Yup. Better than Hook Worlds and as good as SQH (better for some people). Get it.
A few suggestions: -Change icon (I think it's alright, but as someone stated earlier, it almost turned someone away from the game) -Ability to...