Separate names with a comma.
But they might not all be in use, would have to get out the information if the trash rate of iOS devices (switching to nextgen) is higher than the...
And that is why you will have much better full featured games on the PSP2, and have already on the PSP, than on iOS, not only you can earn more...
I brought the iPad only up because someone said the higher pixel densitiy of the iPhone 4 is important, and in the end the bigger screensize of...
Companies never will have coexistent product cicles, some release then, and some then, this will keep going and going. So of course you can...
There are billions of people on earth, how trivial, if You see what devices they use there are then bubbles which contains millions of device of...
It's concept was a multimedia machine, current gen video entertainment (blu-ray), games etc. Xbox360 not so much. And yes of course, Sony would...
The PSP2 will have a physical media, it's not optical, but you could sell those cards certainly later. I never said the PSP GO succeeded, I only...
The posts of users saying gaming on iPad feels better are there, the physical buttons on the Xperia are there, the previews on Endgadget are out...
The PSP GO was a experiment, they sold way more normal PSPs than PSP GOs. I don't have a problem with that. Do you?
But you don't play hundreds, tousands of games every month, the number of stuff you consume is of course way lower than the number of existing...
Browse the PSP game on amazon or the games on a PSP GOs store, the amount of crap is way under 50 %. Cheaper development cost (currently :D) means...
I did not say that. iPad apps/games look different than on a iPhone/iTouch and work different. So what? But then of course current gen as...
That's quite good, yeah. But the whole penetration of the american and european continent is something very different. Over 50 % of that is...
Of course the PSP Go will be forgotten when the PSP2 is out, Sony announced you can copy over the downloaded games of the PSP GO (don't forget the...
There can coexist milions of people with a handheld gaming device beside milions of people with a smartphone. DS 2009 lifetime 100 million:...
Everyone knows that the lifespan of the PSP has ended and the PSP2 is rasing, wake up. That point of yours isn't even a point worthy.
To 1. : Read the forums here, even some of the mods preferr gaming on the iPad which has a lover pixel densitiy as the iPhone 4, so your point is...
But that is not the most important one and only thing on earth.
You forget that most people don't have a smartphone and don't have an iPhone, but do have a Handheld gaming devices. In may 2010 apple had only 3...
lol, you think number one can only be sucess, weak. Certainly Android is number one now in case of market share (Nintendo won at your side means...