Separate names with a comma.
Granted, but that means there will be more shootings everywhere else in the world. I wish for an for a yo-yo.
Overall, the conference got me more hype for watch dogs then it did for the ps4. Still though, I'm kinda digging the new controller. I know a...
ReRave, I think I spent over $30 for all the songs.
After reading it (with the updates of course), it seems the base app isn't going to change, they're just going to expand on it. If that's the...
true? I had a caricature, if that doesn't count then false. The next person loves Nutella
I don't bowl often, i don't eat coconuts often. But coconutbowling just fits. It has a nice ring to it, ya know?
Gaming is fun, but when you think about it, it's usually the community that we enjoy more. For instance I have a lot of games and still end up on...
I'll sit my self out as well. I'd love to enter but now isn't the best time with mega midterms coming up. Good luck everyone!
False, although I have climbed Mt. Fuji The next person listens to speedcore
Jubeat Hands down (over 1 gb after downloading song packs)
Better here than somewhere that'll get you in real trouble :P All I have to say is that no matter how bad you feel, someone else somewhere in the...
I miss the days pre-fremium. The appstore was much easier to navigate and wasn't cluttered with useless games. Now whenever I look up rpg games in...
I don't have too many board games, but I plan to fix that. (I only just got into board games within the past 4 months) Out of the ones I have......
I'm totally hype It's only that I don't have my ps3 up with me at college so i won't get a chance to play for a good while :(
That's probably it, I've never really posted in kijib's long thread. And do you remember dannys95's wallpaper thread? That was seriously like...
That'd work, I think I saw you guys at Qt3 do a round robin style match up? I kinda like that idea. If we can organize that here I'd be down for...
I don't ever remember the lounge forum being mega active
Whelp, looks like I'm going all out.
Wow, I'm actually really hype for this update! What I'm not too thrilled on is the kickstarter rewards. I like small world, but not enough to drop...