Separate names with a comma.
Early generation of consoles was Atari 2600, Intellvision, and Odyssey 2. The ones you mentioned were much later. Just FYI.
Don't quit yer day job.
Any plans for iPad version?
I haven't gotten to play it yet but it has to be worth $1.
Read the title of your thread ;) If you wanted different responses you should have written the title differently.
Is it ok with you if someone has a different opinion from yours? If not, good luck with that. You have no idea what you are talking about so...
Bought the two iPad games. Hard to argue with $0.99.
These iPad games any good?
If you want to check out some of the best-written video games of all time get Frotz and put a bunch of classic Infocom games on. Not everyone can...
So if you just used a different file extension they'd be ok with it? It's not like .exe files run natively in iOS anyway.
^Wow that looks terrible!
Thanks for supporting the older OS, though i think it's only a matter of time before the oldest iDevices are left out. Roll on September and...
Netflix has some Top Gear.
Bootcamp didn't make your iMac lag unless you ran out of disk space. Even if it seemed like it, that wasn't the reason. Not possible.
Are you daft? The difference between providing interesting info vs. Selling something is quite large. You can disagree whether the show is doing...
Nope. I expect it to be about cars, but not to sound like an infomercial. I already said this in the post you replied to. Your attempted insults...
Eh? You just made up all that bollocks. I didn't say any of that.
Well I agree it's getting off topic, but just to note, a hackintosh is not really comparable to dual booting a mac to run windows. At least you...
My angle was never 'Mac vs. PC', it was 'best of both worlds'. If anything you brought up the 'Mac vs. PC' idea with your assertion that there was...