Separate names with a comma.
Great! Wish it coming this week...
Great news! Can't wait to play it on my iPad. Will it be released in August? Is it optimized for iPad?
Is it possible that LoP will be released in this week?
Dev, could you tell me how much additional content need to download?
The bug of spells' targeting hasn't fixed yet: when I cast a spell which needs a target, but there is no target on the screen, the game will be...
Yep, just updated in this morning
It runs smoothly on iPad air 2...
There is a bug of pets: All pets' life and resistances should increase with difficulties (epic and legendary). But they don't receive any bonus in...
Same problem here. Ipad air 2, 9.3.2
The game is great, but the music always stop play after a few mintues until I left a planet...
I just found another bug: sometimes I can cast Life Drain without mana and when it happened the skill's cooldown will become 0 sec. It means I can...
Really happy to hear the voice from developer! Many thanks for bring us this great game! There is a bug I need to report: all skills with "x...
Is there any chance SN2 will release in this week?
Pang has already out, where is my Titan Quest?
Some environment textures on the roof of cave are lost in my iPad air 2, ios 9.3.1: they become hexagonal black tiles. But it didn't happen on my...
I found the problem: I must use American IP (by using vpn) to purchase or recover, otherwise I can not get the ipa even appstore shows purchase...
@WazWaz: I also tried re-purchase the ipa for knight when he reached the end of free dungeon. Then the AppStore told me purchase was successful,...
When I go to the store in option it still shows the price after I purchased. I tried to buy it again, it told me I've already bought it and I...