Separate names with a comma.
Trust me, it's more difficult to play this game on a bigger than a smaller.
Zodiac (from another FF team (not Mistwalker)) Chronos Ring from Konami : Rise of...
Some have some not. Just wait till next update hit AppStore.
You're a beast. Thumbs up for you bro !
It's for the launch of the iphone 6 said Twitter dev feed. Thanks for the heads up ! [emoji109]
Who manage to kill 3 bosses in a row ? I can't without ISO8.
Yeah we are all right about one thing about this game : it's not an endless runner. It's a farming game for Spideys fan [emoji14]
Ok guys the best way to have better score in this game : spam the regular portal button when you can, improve all you 4 stars Spideys (better...
I agree. Plus, i think Hardboiled chicken can be on iOS (their new game). They choose not. It's on Vita.
Don't know yet what is it. Feel free to Add information
Chaos Ring 3 gameplay on ipad at TGS 2014 (no sound) (part 1) (part2 2)
Helsing's fire ? Seriously ? Wow this game is a way older than everyone here on iOS xD I think Ratloop studio left ios plateform for console.
I think this game is one of the best RPG on ios. It's thinking for iOS players and ios plateform. Still this cons about the fact that the game is...
Optimise the game ipad 3 please. It's laggy...
Metal slug 3 is not fullscreen on iPad 3 iOS 8 anymore....
Trailer for TGS 2014 Always planned for this year.
Sadly, not yet.
Indie devs. So please show some respect.
Here we are it begins.
Man, you like energy timers ?! *facepalm*. GAMELOFT NO ENERGY TIMERS ON A RUNNER GAME BLOODY HELL !