Separate names with a comma.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Fallout 4, Wolfenstein The Old Blood and Bloodborne, loved them all.
I'll wait for a week or so AFTER it comes out, I have a really odd feeling about this game in particular, I feel it's going to be Destiny all over...
I really don't care about the control scheme, I just want to be able to play Crashlands and be able to do random stuff. :D
Wayward Souls and Five Card Quest just got updated and both are awesome rougelikes
:( Now it seems it's for real (I'm legitimately crying right now)
I'd say it's not for me, too heavy and impractical, if I had to chose, I'd rather get a nice laptop, but it really depends on your habits, I'm...
I love how one of the game features is blowing s*** up, I'm downloading this now
2016 already and there's no fix in the horizon, I guess that Bioshock on iOS will have the same fate as many other games killed by iOS updates :(
Yes, I know, this, Pocket Mortys and Space Grunts are going to make this January a really great January instead of the usual one in which everyone...
I don't really have a Top 10 since I spent a lot of time hearing older albums but I personally loved Drones by Muse and TrustFall Side A by...
Any thoughts on Volume? I know it's not that recent on PS4, but it was just released on the PSVITA and I saw that it's cross buy so yeah, I wanted...
I have an iPad mini 2nd Gen (which is pretty much the equivalent of an Air 1) and it's just awesome so an Air 2 should still be absolutely perfect.
Neon Shadow
Alright, sent my feedback and I'd also like to know when are the winners are going to be announced
Oh, sorry, I didn't noticed, my bad, so, the drops are crappy or you can actually get nice items without buying them?
Okay, this looks odd, a release mid AppStore freeze that looks decent but there's mixed opinions about it.... Ok, I'm downloading it, wish me luck :v
Since I own a Vita, an iPad mini 2nd gen, a 'decent' PC (can play games from 2012 or older :v) and a PS4 I can say that my iPad has become more a...
I had a similar problem when I bought my Vita, my iPad has since taken a back seat when it comes to my mobile gaming habits, I just play it when...
1.4 GB or something like that, it's kinda hevy but it's well worth it