Separate names with a comma.
Woah, glad to see that the game is complete, congratulations @Darkpath :D Can't wait
Mexican here, kinda glad I got a job offering at UK, now I won't pay for that wall Trump wants to make (I doubt he'll deliver on that one), but...
Been hearing a lot Bowie's Heathen and Reality, both are absolutely amazing albums and I've started to hear some Florence+The Machine songs too,...
Been playing some Life Is Strange with gf, now that I think of it, Life Is Strange should be a good iOS game
Called it on XCOM, now, if the Vita could get Bioshock, that would be nice :D
Just checked it, it's really sad, I mean, it is one of my favorite turn based strategy games on iOS, bummer to see it go the Bioshock way :(...
This looks awesome, I loved Neon Shadow's split screen, can't wait to see Tourney in action :D
Nope, Apple actually makes pretty decent computers, yes, they aren't too beefy in terms of specs and are definitely not suited for gaming, but I...
It's REALLY good, not the best game ever as many people say (for me it is MGS 3), but definitely worth 20 dollars (picked it up almost a year ago...
That looks awesome, can't wait for the release :D
Reviewed as TheOutl4nder at the US Appstore. [IMG] Blox 3D name: Fire8
So I guess it's time to say that Bioshock on iOS 9 isn't going to happen. :( Dunno why I keept my hopes high for an update.
This looks great, I'm curious about the movement system though, but I'm excited non the less, Midnight Star was absolutely amazing so I have a lot...
Looks awesome, but I'm curious, what are the devices that are getting 60fps?
About Volume, I bought it about a month ago, it's a game that you will either love or hate, and that really boils down to how you approach stealth...
MGS Peace Walker, RTCW, Battlefront 2, Valkyria Chronicles and Quake ports for mobile, if we had those I'd probably get rid of my old PC that I...
Lost Dimensions is $20 ATM, anyone with some impressions on it?
Oh boy, the opinions on Resistance seems to be really split, I mean, Destructoid (Jim F'ing Sterling Son did that review IIRC) gave it a 3 while...
As far as I know, it doesn't, just online coop, sorry
So I'm about to order both Killzone Mercenaries and Resistance: Burning Skies from Amazon (only place where I can get stuff for my Vita at a...