Separate names with a comma.
It's definitely caught me off guard. My theory is it will come out thesame time, just a earlier trailer like the COD franchise for hype.
I'm really liking the setting for MC5 looks like Venice but I can't be sure.
Keep the guessin' comin' :p
You're nuts. That is all. Tygr is great but knifing is still king, shotguns just can't touch them, unless you use volkhov and have really good aim.
It kinda sucks with silencer, use extended mags with no sight or red dot this works, if your level 50. Just remember to use it with athleticism or...
I can't tell you my opinion on the sniper class since I haven't unlocked it but I hear it is over powered. The soldier is the best class out of...
I'll take noobs any day of the week. It's definitely gettig harder, even runnig as soldier which pretty much gets the must kills out of gunner,...
How does voice chat work? Like if I have my mic off, can I hear anyone else? I haven't heard anyone talk but is it because I have it turned off?
Fun game, have yet to find the heli but i guess i'll get to it eventually, somewhere on some map...
New weapons, possibly. Obviously, there will be something in the store to buy that's new.
Just something to ponder on while we wait for the update: [IMG]
I am confirming it, before it wasn't straight from #######. At least, it wasn't sourced here.
So, there is hope for ipad 4 users... [IMG] And this: [IMG] WOOT!
I just played like 4 hours after a month break, and I must say the vect9 is finally buffed on android. Just like the charbtek, if you use it with...
They are workin on the retina fix, but that may be it for this update.
So direct hit = instant kill Splash damage = delayed
schoc is actually not too bad.
Where did you hear this? They nerfin' the knife again?
On par with UFIA?