Separate names with a comma.
if you cant decide you can always donate the money to my paypal ;)
do you say that about every new game or just this one because not enough people are buying it
there are two towers on the left side two on the right side maybe you just walked past it
i hope you can buy houses like in oblivion. i need a place to hide all the junk i steal from vendors
more eliminate threads! thats what we need! lets all make another eliminate thread because its eliminate!
thats okay nobody can kill me anyway
oh god not another minigore thread excuse me while I go kill myself
Now for the bad news. Not long ago we got word from the developers that Ravensword had been rejected along with a considerable number of other...
nova looks better then this
why write about eliminate when you can play it instead
the DS couldn't run dungeon hunter without overheating and exploding
or maybe they're working on the expansion pack either way I'm ready to take all Steve Jobs money if he doesn't release it soon
what was the warning for? cartoon nudity? does this mean another delay?
uh I thought dressing up dogs was not cool
Josh I think ravensword might be too cool for the AppStore
how long do you think this will take
are you still number one Terrorist or did someone steal your thunder? if there were clan tags I would join but I don't see the point, I don't...
that's funny halo odst stands for orbital drop shock trooper seems like this will be very close to halo
I was hoping it would come today like the dev was hinting at oh well maybe another week or two
what proof is there of this phone number scam? I've been playing world war for months and had no problems