Separate names with a comma.
Which of these "gift" upgrades are worth getting? Ones that cost 5-7k and are shared among all those characters. Adventure has best one so far but...
Was really excited for this but i only have 4S and from i read its probably not worth it with frame rates issues on older devices. I blame SE...
Wait is this real? Its not april 1st or something. I hope it doesnt have online only or something crazy like that.
I feel like im making progress and can get to the 2nd boss more often but sadly get destroyed byhis mad sword swinging skills. Still game is great...
I got around 10 hits on second boss before dying. I really regret investing all that money in rogue abilities because warrior is waaaaaay better.
I cant even beat second dungeon :(
With second boss do i kill adds first? Not sure if they respawn on random or everytime i hit big boss.
Shame to see game drop down from the charts so quickly. I know why devs did it but including IAP for gold and characters would have helped....
Great game and worth FREE download. I do wonder what happened to developers though. Game havent been updating in ages and dont think they made any...
Well that was waste of a dollar :(
Does this have expansion pack too?
Shame game is not available in my country. Looks like fun.
I didnt like the first one but its FREE. Cant say no to that.
I thought game was really generous early but it got really tough later on. Newer bikes are so expensive to upgrade and you still need those high...
For some reason game freezes and crashes seconds later at the start. I tried restarting my phone and reinstalling app but it didnt help :(
Even by low appstore standards this looks terrible.
Can you change uniform colors in Ultimate Team? Im either blind or you cant do it.
Wait was this made by only 2 ppl? O_o
I like the game but i wish it had different classes and such or atleast few extra moves.
They added casual mode to these games too so you can finish it without much trouble while still exploring different endings and such. Totally...