Separate names with a comma.
Reason number a gajillion why i havent updated to ios7. Ie: see previous post
Awesome! Thank u!
Seems things r a little more strict cuz the little metal payment things r more difficult to get. Kinda scared to spend 50k on cheap doomsday and...
Anyone know if we can use regime doomsday or if we have to buy the 200k doomsday.
Ive heard from folks that the beta is fantastic and well worth the wait! Patience!
Omg if this app got robotron.... Luckily there is a decent similar game from llamasoft
Im level 115. Mookmonster on gamecenter. Cant play now but if u have high level please add me and lets setup a game later. Peace!
Contra code is $60. Somebody is rotting in their grave. Game is playable though. Music not as good as original, its a tad slower. Finished level...
Lol at this thread being derailed by iap discussion nonsense. Lol at me lolling at the whole thing. Game seems great. Dont need to get iap if u...
Can someone help me understand battle magery? I dont get it doh
Congrats to the dev, this an excellent rogue-like. Took awhile to grow on me, but man its got me now. So question: I use the White Witch, the...
Foursaken: Thanks for the awesome update. 1 bug i found so far: druids second plant ability, the one with the health/damage boost. Doesnt...
Cant ever fire the torpedo, cant seem to get tokens for it. HAve had two people in the torpedo room for awhile and ..... nothing. Kinda...
Downloaded after free. Am i alone in thinking the game is frustrating and stupid? I dont get any sense of speed, and the game makes it far too...
There is 1 bug that causes a crash when you quit from the current game, but as long as you save your progress before you quit, this bug has no...
Had a mage kill my cultists even with the tree being up. Bug, hack? he used lightning and normal attacks.
Wow, I multiplayer is hella funny. Level 11 Paladin did 500 dmg per swing, whereas my attacks did 1 dmg to him. He killed tree and me in 1...
Coop is finally perfect for me. I call this a win! Woo!
To slow down enemies, I build a bunch of $1 blocks in concentric circles around the whole map. Its EXTREMELY effective. I only lose to shadow...
Bravo! I just figured out how the drills keep generating even after all the normal deposites have dried up. I gotta redo some of my maps to...