Separate names with a comma.
Just a nice thing to have playing in the bgm =) I've been digging around all corners of the internets and my memories to create a playlist of...
move your left thumb less. It took me a good few min before it clicked as well. Still a bit hard trying to face people and treasure chests though =/
oooohhhh. Got things mixed up. My bad. It does say "Graphics optimzed especially for the iPhone/iPod touch" on the description. So it's not...
Here is a fun article for people that are questioning why a 10+ year old game doesn't magically look super beautiful on our fancy smancy phones....
wait what? The graphics look pretty much untouched besides it being slightly tweaked for the iphone aspect ratio. I dont think some new menu...
seems to be poor porting. The DS one this is based off was around 60mb or was it 120mb? But hey, Phoenix Wright was a lot bigger than the ds/gba...
ah thanks! Still can't see to get it down. How do you do a 'diagonal' block? And you can't parry beasts, which is pretty annoying.
Can someone explain to me how to block properly with heavy weapons? How do you do the perfect block thing?
itouch got retina screen. It just ain't an ips display, so view angles aren't as good at angles.
screen flipping... when will that be implemented?
has it ever been explained why there still isn't retina support for this?
nice! game just crashed on me though, and the load autosave crashes the game now =( Think I've lost like 30min lol.
haha ok! Last few questions/inquiries. I like how you can tap a selected ship again to unselect it. Why can't you do the same for selected...
oh cool. Thanks! And what's a wormhole? I remember getting a notice, but have no clue where it is, or how to use it. Like the new tutorial,...
noob help here. I always seem to be in financial trouble mid game (about -27 per turn T_T). Should I have more farming planets or what not? Been...
Haha, ok. Still am early on, so not too deep into level design. If levels are elegantly designed to the point that progressing 'makes sense'. I'll...
Really enjoying this! Things I noticed: -Not really digging the music. I do think it requires more of a 'whimsical' vibe. But personal...
The problem is that they couldn't get the game to run at a decent framerate with AA on WITH A5 devices, which is why that option isn't in the...
Wish some of the UI stuff were a bit bigger on iphone. The only performance issue I have is going to planetary view has a noticeable pause, no...