Separate names with a comma.
Maybe in anticipation for BFWAR?
Does anyone think Army Ant is OP? I'm on round 15 hard with him and have lvl 5 MGs and Armory. Don't even use Bumblebee
FM, you still cooking the beans for BFWAR?
Bug Heroes 2 and Second Chance Heroes EDIT: Discovered another case solved nominating that too
I go with Crab Spider and Bumblebee because when playing Crab, his Line Breaker can provide time for your other hero to gather resources becuase...
Then hit play I guess... EDIT: Did you hit the check mark on both heroes?
iPad 2 works perfectly fine for me...
What kind of beans though black beans (gameplay info) pinto beans (abilities, if any) or refrained beans (details on the races)
I know what we can do! We write a letter to the gov't asking if we can become the second League of Legends. For those of you that don't know what...
You can get food and spare parts by searching the map. They are indicated by a circle on the bottom. You should ask Ayjona though, she's the expert
RichRuzz wanna play?
Hey Josh, what's the deal with Aralon: Forge and Flame and Exiles: Far Colony? Got any info?
FM, we're waiting...
I'll be really surprised if this doesn't get editors choice
I'm on a week break from school so...
I go with bumblebee and crab spider( who I like a lot because he has a deflector ability ) and hit auto buy for both
Jason, make this for smartphones and your audience would be a lot larger
Jcho, wanna play some multiplayer with me?
The best ranged hero would have to be honey bee because he has a sword too.