Separate names with a comma.
MrDannimal 78 - 80 Camzeee
pacman1477 75-50 Camzeee
Ananab Tilps 80 - 73 Me. GG
GG Tyjenks. 80-58 to me.
I'm in.
Well if you want to start the series with this game, it's fine by me :p Kidding, good first game. 1-0 to you.
Ah JCMan7... You need to be picking up the center row cards. There's a reason they're there! You not picking up Reactor Monk in the first 3...
Yeah they're fine. Still on top of things and plan to release Immortal Heroes.
Get it! Pathwarden alone makes it worth it. Amazing card.
Challonge primarily uses the Median-Buchholz system for breaking ties. The "tie-break score" displayed in the results table is the sum of a...
The reason it's the worst card to get early on is because it's a deck bloater AND a standalone card. Ascension is at its best when all your cards...
Good games! I thought you played it wrong in the last game though. You had first pick, and you picked Druids of the Stone Circle! That card...
Tried recycling a deck ;)
Yeah good games. 2nd game I should have lost by more. A first round Arbiter almost always = a win. You let me in with a chance by letting me...
That's funny. That card has NEVER won me a match. It's too expensive and with low honor to cost ratio, it's just not worth it 95% of the...
Yeah agreed. Destroy = Discard. There's only one instance where you lose a card from your repertoire and that's the Xeron Duke of Lies ability.
Honestly, I'd prefer to play with as many decks as possible. Makes the game more interesting. Also, we set the precedent in Round 1 to use CotG,...
Oh my goodness! Great game tecwrtr! 68-68. Won on a tiebreaker! Onto game two of the series!
Just confirming, tecwrtr, this game currently in progress is for our tourny game right?
Sorry, just ruined the evenness. I signed up which makes 11.