Separate names with a comma.
Danke! Found one. Also, got a mermaid in Mermaid Feast, from the final three you face. Yay! Be prepared to farm, it was a good 20 ish runs......
looking for Dragon Plant if anyone knows where they are farmable. Have water dragon and moondtagon to evolve :) Need to farm up a siren!
anyone have some resources for hints on this game? I have fumbled my way to rank 30, but it feels like cheating to rely on helpers with Rondo of...
Just updated, and now it crashes at startup. iPhone 4, iOS 5, played just fine before the update, now nothing. Rebooted with same result, only app...
May as well throw mine up here; I have just started :) RX74192 Flayre
Too bad a real version of Torchlight isn't available on this platform. This business did net Runic a sale though :) I'd like to thank them for...
any chance somebody wants to trade a seaknight for my starship? I have several extra starship parts and rwo huey bits (engine and controls) if any...
I'm curious: what is the metric used on the in game leaderboard? Is it total number of flights, as shown in the Stats display? I have 810 do far,...
wondering if I messed up starting in the Carribean. Tropical storms shut down some destinations for a while. Very addicting game though. Do...
Please consider making this universal if at all possible. I will immediately pound on the buy button as soon as that's the case :) As an owner...
Looking forward to this. Makes me wish someone would do Jet Set Radio on iOS though. I'd pay $Texas for that...
As a former WoW junkie, I'm considering jumping into this. I understand it's "Warcraft-lite". :) Is it possible to play entirely PVE? I...
Finally broke down and got this, and I love it. Either I'm a terribly rubbish player, or the AI is pretty darn tough. I don't think I've felt...
Rat [Pet, +1 LUCK] Kitten [Pet, +1 MAGIC] Gambler's Cut [Sword, gives spells 2x/level] (found in Orc forest) Singe Trappings [Robe, 55% crit...
Coming out of lurking to agree. This is my most-played iOS game at this point, and I have a TON (and a large backlog, partially thanks to this...
Once you get most/all the classes unlocked (doesn't take a real long time) you start getting only class upgrade tokens. Though those can seem few...
Yes, definitely going the offense route now. Just throwing that out there :) Perhaps halfling + choosing mostly offense while racking up the...
I was taking the approach of using Halfling + Masochism (sounds suspect, doesn't it?) to use the racial ability: kill 15+ enemies (lots of coins...
Now this is the type of interface I'm waiting for. I was just wondering when people will finally begin to abandon the "virtual joystick" stuff....
Just to chime in here, I don't have the game yet, but first time I get near a wifi access point, it's getting downloaded. I love the Space Ore...