Separate names with a comma.
NBA Live 10 sucked terribly, and I regret buying it while it was on sale for 99c :P I hope NBA Live 11 will be worth the money.
Sent my email :)
Chaos Rings, and Crimson Gem Saga are good.
If you don't like it then don't buy it. Notice how everyone is against you. Stop with your pointless arguement.
Looking for a good JRPG game around the same level as Chaos Rings, and Crimson Gem Saga.
1. Crimson Gem Saga 2. Chaos Rings 3. Spider-Man: Total Mayham 4. NHL 2K10 5. Assasins Creed: Altair Chronicles
NHL 2K11 would be really nice. I bought NBA Live when it was on sale and it wasn't very good.
I also couldn't get into Zenonia even though I bought it, but I like Crimson Gem Saga although I haven't played since I found out I had to do...
If the FF: Tactics port is better than Chaos Rings, and/or Crimson Gem Saga I would buy it. I plan on buying it anyways in a couple of days xD
Heres the FF Tactics Thread: Will be getting FF Tactics on the release also :) Already lovin...
Congrats to the people that won :)
Theres exactly 30 participants on the list xD Best of luck to everyone.
Will this work for 2nd gen ipod touch?
Would Aralon work for a 2nd gen ipod touch?
Haven't finished one for a couple weeks but the last one I finished was Nova
Veoh is my top used video site. In my opinion, it is the best since you can watch your tv shows and movies :p
I'd like to enter this contest please :) Reviewed SpacePairs as qweet123. Thanks!
omg I really hope ff6 comes out x.x This is one of the best ones and Id pay quite a bit for it :S
Any good RPGs out besides Crimson Gem Saga and Chaos Rings?
Already have Crimson Gem Saga and Chaos Rings. I also have Zenonia but I don't really like it :D Any suggestions? *nevermind, forgot about the...