Separate names with a comma.
None of the above, it's the potion quest again. For the exact same reason. Delfin said it better.
Oh boy, more 'new content' following the exact same identical bad formula where it spawns unwinnable. It's one of the most outrageous cases of...
Elixir. No skills charged + random starting board = high chance to be mathematically unwinnable. You literally have 1 turn to kill it or you get...
Yeah. I'm getting awfully tired of new content that has the chance to spawn as unwinnable (for the EXACT same reason, no less).
Lancelot is decent, especially since his 5* skill gives you a net positive (7 total iirc) for linking with a water gem. Also FYI Water...
Death after ~50 turns (based on skill activations) and just look at that health. I'm setting up shop in the 'literally unbeatable' camp until...
Does anyone know the formula underlying recovery orbs? Do heroes have a hidden recovery stat or is it constant (ignoring skills)...if constant,...
I tried with no blue pets to see and it still eats them, so there is no way around it at all and you end up with 0 links almost immediately no...
Does anyone know what the max water resistance is without any cap increases? 50%? EDIT: Shop is no longer crashing.
Instant kill in 2 turns? How do you win, then? Also, 'frozen sea - heroic' is either bugged or completely overtuned. I dumped like 5 million...
I'm not saying it's always unwinnable, just that some random permutations are. Extremely powerful first wave that kills in 2 turns + no skills...
I am extremely dissatisfied with the insane difficulty of the new key fact, it seems like it goes beyond difficult and sometimes they...
Just got a completely accidental 122 combo with a 6* Merlin for over ten million total damage (+1210%). Too bad it was on a worthless trash wave.
No, but the damn 30 key quest ate my 30 keys and crashed instantly.
The downside to no hearts is obvious, but the upside is almost worth it: [IMG] Too bad I didn't get that Merlin or it would be even more...
Yeah...not as bad as me on PAD though, where I still don't have Lucifer, Ronia, or even Haku. At least I got Lancelot, who is useful to me even...
The first stage of 23 is more or less impossible without a Phoenix Prince helper.
60 stones, no Merlin...####ing REALLY? How am I supposed to improve like this?