Separate names with a comma.
Dumbest god damn gimmick fight in the history of the universe, and came out of nowhere to eat an entire day's worth of stamina. Awesome.
Yeah, good call.
Yeah, the FFX one is the one I was talking about before. Maybe it's just bugged. I get that the Elite ones are supposed to be hard, but they...
This game lies to your face about the difficulty of elite dungeons. 17 my ASS, that boss has hundreds of thousands of health and eviscerated my...
How hard is the hardest difficulty XP dungeon? That guaranteed 50% damage ability in the middle one makes it hard to gauge how difficult it...
Is there any way to make the equipment menus not constantly freeze the entire client?
Every unit past the first ten or so shows the name of the most recently released unit. This problem has persisted through several updates....
Why do most of the units in the shop show the wrong name?
Why the hell aren't the raids dropping the rewards they say they're going to?
At Rookie 1 I just faced an opponent with a full 4-star team ಠ_ಠ
The fact that Astrotrain defies standard game mechanics to have the correct number of forms is enough to get me to give it a try.
Can you stockpile energy recharges in this version like you could on the Playdom version way back when?
>that icon I see what you did there.
Mining Guild + Stampede + Wisdom + Hope Charm (use twice then reshuffle with Wisdom) is just devastating.
So uhhhh there's literally no way to farm currency? Because after about the third fight the enemies get completely impossible with the horrible...
"Offline Play" that apparently includes literally 10 minutes of syncing EVERY time the main menu is accessed and only about a 5% of actually...
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so how the #### are you supposed to win 5-10? Even making a full, perfect combo every turn the adds take like a...
Is there a character we should specifically be rerolling for i.e. Lucifer back in the day for PAD?
Thanks. I ended up just putting it down to easy mode for that one stupid, horribly unbalanced fight, and then had no problem with the rest of...
How the hell are we supposed to beat Ali, Master of Fake Difficulty with the shitty theme decks? Legendaries, spam drawing 6 cards most turns,...