Separate names with a comma.
On the Partner tab, tap on where it says AI 1 and AI 2, and then you can select a new setting. I've been using Warrior and Knight and they seem...
Tips Some other tips: This isn't a game that you can just hack and slash through. The enemies will massacre you if you don't learn their attack...
So that's from 7-9am on the east coast of the US, right? What do you think this means? Maybe something with the hp/sp souls?
It seems like each enemy type is represented in the various Gap of Dimension maps, right? I just figure that those maps would be the best place...
So would the best place for this technique to work would be in the various Gap of Dimension maps?
I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this thread would love it.
Gem Crystals If anyone has extra Gem Crystals, could you send some my way instead of deleting/selling them?
Stats on the staff?
Corruption of Dragon Wow, I just found my third Corruption of Dragon. So, I'd be happy to trade it to someone.
You get 4 stat points per level, and there is no apparent cap for your stat scores. I've added Vit to all of my characters so that they can...
Unique Dragon Cards How have you guys gotten so many unique Dragon cards? I've only ever gotten one unique boss card. Have you just run against...
Woot! Congrats!
I've never been able to enter the net dungeon without a ticket, and I'm just prompted to either use a ticket or to buy one.
The boss is two Golems for Piriah Great Merchant. I've been running it constantly to try for another Golem's Nucleus. I think that Adelia Podium...
Where did you find the ultimate for Heine, Hakenbarwar's destruction? Also, I've been running Fragment of Dimension pretty much non-stop and...
I've never noticed it working, much like the hp & sp souls. I've found that items that grant SP% stolen are golden for your non-caster characters....
Add TheFaceDancer please.
You want to find a Crimson Sword that has +% Slash damage, or mount some rare Park cards on your sword. When I come across something decent I...
You need to kill the one odd coloured pudding, then kill some of the rhomboid spirit monsters. Those are the ones that drop the Key of light....
Golem's Nucleus If anyone has a Golem's Nucleus that they are willing to trade, please PM me.