Separate names with a comma.
I'd love some feedback on my build: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Actives: Savage Pounce, Quake Strike, Whirlwind, Power Infusion, Mana Strike, and the...
I also just want to say a few things about the Battlemage. It pairs beautifully with the Barbarian, firstly. Also, if you are using Mana Strike,...
I posted these questions in the other thread but there's just too much activity to get an answer to them: For the Battlemage passive Twin...
Just got it from 99 kills in the arena. No achievement for equipping it, though.
Hey MikaMobile, I have a few questions that I hope you'll see. For the Battlemage passive Twin Disciplines, does Mana Strike count as a magic...
Thanks for the response! You are, hands down, one of the coolest developers on the face of the planet.
Dearest MikaMobile, Hope this finds you well. This game is an instant classic, hands down. You've created a masterpiece. I just have one...
So close I can almost taste it.
So, Mika, when can I throw my money at you?
Awesome, the warrior priest needed some lovin'. Can't wait to actually use him in my hardcore game now.
In terms of versatility and power, the Shadow Warrior can't be beat. At lv 8 with the right gear and skills, he can have 4 ranged attacks with a...
Judgement Bullets: all ranged and melee attacks have an increased chance to hit for the remainder of the turn. I just got them and haven't tried...
Ok, I have some questions for you all! Does the Hammer of Sigmar only drop in the vanilla areas? Has Rodeo fixed the issues with the Shadow...
I've usually run with the scale of $1/hr of entertainment, which is a pretty good bargain if you ask me. Cheaper than any movie you'll ever pay...
An emphatic YES! There is a ton of sweet sweet loot to be had in this game, enough that there is never a single 'best' build for any character,...
No problem! Once I have him at around level six or seven he'll start tramping around with the other big boys and I'll be ready to take on the...
So how is it balanced if I'm taking in [for example] a level 7 and three level twos? I'm just scared of running in to a dungeon in hardcore and...
Feh, you'll get over it once the witch hunter starts taking out some gobbos, then orcs, then finally working his way up the totem pole to his...
So, I updated but I'm not seeing anything new in the additional content...
Feel free to add me as well, I always like more Ascension games. KBPrinceO