Separate names with a comma.
That was really entertaining to watch xP Anyway, for those that hate it when people waste expensive products, you'll hate this guy. He...
I finished it a couple minutes after I made that post actually xD It was just that I forgot about the forums. It was really easy after that. Anyone see this? I need help finding the codes since I don't even know where to start >.> It...
I can recognize a lot of the names you guys are mentioning, I just forgot what they did >.> Meh.
Droid Eris since last summer. It's refurbished but I rooted it and it gets the job done. I'm hoping to get an upgrade to a RAZR soon.
I wonder what those features were. Only things I would think are lockscreen, statusbar, dock, sliding homescreens, and such.
If the developers say that they're doing work and they're busy, then they're doing work and they're busy. We're not the ones setting deadlines...
Dang. It was so sudden.
Congratulations on front page :P You guys deserve it.
I saw it coming the second the majority of the Bioware community was complaining.
That's a tough one. You're in-between the time Apple released the 4S and the time Apple will probably release the 5....
Definitely wait for the 5. The 4th has been the newest generation for longer than the other generations (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd were new for 1 year,...
Haven't seen you playing BF3 online in a while. Or maybe it's just me that hasn't xP
I agree. Maybe if they decided to limit (one grenade per person, per match?)/ban grenades and other explosives on those maps it wouldn't be as bad.
Key story characters keep the same clothes.
That's why if you don't like Close Quarters, you get Armored Kill instead. DICE is catering to all kinds of people. I'm thinking that's a good...
Uhhhh. Whenever Calis Projects is satisfied with the result. It's supposed to be soon, but the majority of the community voted on taking more...
I don't even know how that's a problem. I wouldn't listen to reviews by those people :p That's called impatience and laziness to update.
You dislike turn based RPG games. Well there's your problem :P And no, Zenonia is not turn based. Grinding is a big part of RPG games too.
As of Dec. 2, 2011 support has died down since Kony is now aware of U.S. forces, and is now in hiding/"changed his tactics", whatever that means.