Separate names with a comma.
Yes you can
Lol! You cant help out others on low lvl maps. You do around 50 damage... Wtf?
Finished the game There is an elite difficulty on the coop maps after that but no better items then the tier 47 that you can craft or tier 49...
Im at the end of the game and I only bought the third gem box. Dont know how much that one is in $. And I have half of the gems still left. Played...
The game is easy lol. Just play coop maps in multi. From time to time there will be op players that clear everything for you and you pick up the...
Yes they can drop better further in.
Well have played the game for 2 straight days now. I am lvl 20. A must is life leech, get as much as you can and the game will be alot more...
I love the game! Fricking fantastic! The setting, the feeling, the awesome sounds, the graphics everything is top notch It must be the best...
I have played many freemium games that you can see they want you to buy stuff for real money and Im sorry to say but bladeslinger is one of those...
1957171398 Sin
448 141 667
yes! give tapatalk support!
Agreed, the termite turret costs need a fix.
Yeap thats true. I got it when it went free played for 2 hour and loved it. Bought all 3 packages in the store. I recommended it too two...
My main quest is in the castle... :confused:
What other quests? I have 2 quests left and both are there....
Gah I also have freezing at the secret meetin :( Didnt anyone go through the game after it was complete? before submitting it to the app store?...
I dont know if you even have opened the app store but there are cheaper, bigger and better games there. So compared to other games that are...
It lets you choose between 4 random skill upgrades instead of 3 when you lvl up
I bought the 10000 gold and got the extra mages for it. Doesnt affect the challenge of the game in any way.