Separate names with a comma.
What device are you on?I found the lite version on my iPod.PS the lite version and tr full versions are under different companies.
Well Revolt has lite version doesn't it.I tried that but never got the full game.Also Burnout I awesome but it just took up to much space (200 or...
So now I can pay 99¢ and get the full game?
Name:The Waz How it spreads:It spreads through exposer to to many cheesy sitcoms or bad games. Effects:The Waz will soon begin to cause you...
Is there a tutorital in it?I got Pandemic a few weeks ago and it confuses me.PS this game looks awesome.
Is Hunters:Episode 1 or 2 worth it?And in the first one what is the IAP listed on the page about the trial unlock?Thanks
I can't even get to te page it's on,it just says "to many connections" :(, I just wish the game would go free,or they could PM codes to...
Anniversry,It's worth the extra buck plus it adds a extra level.Hope this helped.
Hi has anyone tried FF,FF2 or Lara Croft?If so do you think the are worth it?Also I use a IPod so would the smaller screen affect gameplay?thanks
Thanks i took 6ep4akla647r
Pm sent!
Whats the best RPG on the app store.I already have Swordgio.So what else?Ive been looking at Final Fantasy and Xenome:Episode 1.Thanks...
Holy awesomesause Superbrothers is 99¢ :)
Does anyone know the name of a game that was like Fallout and I think it started with a X.thanks
Hey,everyone the shear awesomeness of today just went up cause all the Cut the Ropes are free today!
An to add to the shear awesomeness that may make my head and wallet explode,Cut the Rope and Cut the Rope:Experiments are FREE!!(plus the HD versions)
Yes.When I first launched the app it asked me if I wanted some random game,and it's possible to see a list of what I assume is the Devs other...
Yeh I knew about it being just Indie Devs,but I'd put my money on EA trying to cash in on it.Cause they make good games,but they are just a...
Is Osmos worth the buck for my IPod?
I know how you feel about space.Im about to blow up my 8gig iPod,but I'm loving it! Also is Osmos good?