Separate names with a comma.
I'm seeing it in 12 hours and 54 minutes!!
Has anyone thought of how the parts from the hot air ballon will work?
I have a extra sea knight engine what will you give me for it.
I'd love some free parts,sequoia,tetra,Cyclone or whatever you have my GC is thezman 12 :)
Nimble Tim said in the other forum that there are no mystery parts for this event.......
Ice rage is good,and it has same device multiplayer.Me and my friend play it on my iPod and it is really fun.
What will you give me for the Heuy parts.I have them and I'm willing to trade.
Have Starship full and controls P 40 engine Sea Knight Engine Areo eagle P's Want Any class 3 plane or parts
Which of the gameloft gangster games are the best(west coast,miami or Rio)
Alright sent it.
Sorry I use the TA app so I can't see the signature unless I click on the name.
What is your GC so I can send you the Heuy parts.
Did you put a space between thezman and 12.It should be thezman 12
Ok I'll trade.My GC is thezman12.
Howdy y'all!I have some stuff for trade a d here is the list. For Trade Heuy controls,engine and body(I have several of each) P 40 Warhawk...
I would love to test this game on my 4th gen iPod.
I have a P 40 engine by what will you give me for it?
I have a extra Huey engine do what will you give me for it?
Well I have everything except the Fogbusters on that list so what about the Fogbuster M?
What would you trade for a war hawk engine.I have one for trade.