Separate names with a comma.
Dull/Washed Out Colors. I'm really enjoying this game, but I hate the way the current colors, brightness, and contrast, make this game look so...
I didn't know there was such an option.
Touch the + in the top right corner, then touch the FREE STUFF tab.
I did the same thing. It's definitely worth the time to get Gems via the videos. Having a larger shark makes the game a lot more enjoyable.
Ad removal for $0.99.
2 Suggestions. This is an enjoyable, very well made game. However I have 2 suggestions. (1) When "sneaking" around, there should be an option to...
I finally decided to give this game a try. So far, I'm liking it.
EDIT: Issue resolved.
Nice graphics and art style, but the gameplay sucks.
They need to make a "Friend Code" option. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't use Twitter or FB.
I successfully redeemed my prize. Thanks again, it's greatly appreciated.
It's very money hungry, but I still play it. I will never spend money on it.
I reviewed all 4 apps as: PsYcHoИoVa (US App Store)
Reviewed as: PsYcHoИoVa (US App Store)
The new controls suck.
I'm done thinking about this game.
~ Oceanhorn 2 ~ Goblin Sword 2 ~ A new Ridge Racer These are most likely just a dream... ~ The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past ~ The...
Whenever Game Center stops working on my Air, I simply backup & restore my device via iTunes and my computer. It works everytime, and lasts for...
My Friend Code is: fjfz3236
This game is excellent.