Separate names with a comma.
I “cheated” on today’s daily and still came second… by 0.03 seconds. :|
Yeah, this is not for kids at all. It’s a bit easy (ahem, my job is literally editing) but even so, a few things threw me for a loop. Somewhat...
This is lovely and very well designed. Reminds me of Impossible Isles (free on App Store). I’m not familiar with the ones @ObsoleteOne mentioned,...
I had this preordered and now downloaded, but haven’t played it yet. Playing now, give me a bit and I’ll report back.
For anyone struggling with the jump: tap your brakes while in mid-air. Maybe a couple of times. It straightens and aligns the car and you’ll land...
You guys NEED to enable the ghost line and power slide indicators (I have a handy guide on my site). It’s SUCH useful information about how the...
Oh you are going to hate today’s daily. :D
Good luck! Repetition is your friend; try to remember each track and you’ll be flying through them in no time. :)
Two things made a huge difference to me: Work out and follow a racing line. Proper racing lines are far wider than I thought, but they really...
It’s in the settings under Ghost Options. It’s not a racing line per se, but rather the path that the ghost you’re chasing took. I also enabled...
It’s actually one of my favourite tracks so far! (Here’s my clear of it. A little sloppy, but my best time so far.) @squarezero Funny you should...
As good as this game is - and it is utterly FANTASTIC - there are a few annoying little niggles about it. I wrote a long-ass essay about them in...
Maxed out frozen tank. It’s absolutely huge to cancel an attack. Otherwise it’s just general advice like trying to keep as few survivors on the...
So I’m guessing by lack of mentions, no one has finished the game yet. Gotta say, it was pretty darn cool! Very difficult, too.
That’s incredible, you didn’t have to! ❤️ And those were just my thoughts, you don’t even have to agree with them! Just remembered another: In...
I’ve played it through in it’s entirety once, then immediately a second time, and then two more times to write a walkthrough. I freaking love...
You’re amazing, and if you make any other games ever I’ll be all over them. <3
I almost love this game. I like it a lot, but it immensely irks me that we’re not explicitly and obviously told what the kaiju movement patterns...
You’re close. [spoiler]
It’s all good. We love having developers here talking to people directly, so no worries on our end. Plus it’s good for people to see how...