Separate names with a comma.
I really love the feel of the game so far, but I do have some issues. First of all, it does tend to move pretty slow when there are even a few...
Any word on a fix for iOS 8?
I would rather see the UMC being added. Even a "best of" compilation would be welcome.
Your answer is right in your question. They require an internet connection. So if you are somewhere without wifi, you cannot access the game.
I used to do all my gaming on psp and ds, and they had some great single player trading card games. Yu Gi Oh, Warhammer TCG, Marvel TCG, they...
Is this the one that had an automatic battling system?
So....I don't see anything. There is a note that some people's in App Store isn't working, which doesn't allow them to access the expansion, but I...
Took TMFKNRA3THT3. Thanks! Will leave impressions when I get a chance on main thread.
On sale again
I assumed he was asking if you were for real for giving such an outstanding app one star because you don't like the lack of a save transfer.
Touching that you know so much about him and feel the need to comment on how he should conduct his life. And it isn't very hard to just include...
I agree that this game is best played as a journey. The way that I play, is I decide how my character will look, and build him from there,...
I agree that there shouldn't be crashes, but since all your crashes involve equipping new weapons in a dungeon, why not wait to equip good...
When you are dual wielding and add an accessory that adds to weapon power, does it add to both weapons? In other words, are those good accessories...
How do you know what is "light armor" for the monk skill dragon style?
I love the lack of a level cap, but if people want to cap their own games it wouldn't be hard. Just pick a level that you want your "cap" to be...
First of all since I was all knight I put all my points into str and end, which I felt was useful as both added to my combat effectiveness, as...
Cool Down
Pure melee works. I haven't beaten the game, but I am a level 21 pure knight. Only non knight skill I have used so far is divine hammer. You may...
I totally agree with this. I can't believe how great Dragon Quest VIII looks on my iPad. I never really played too much of the PS2 version, but...