Separate names with a comma.
Premium version with no iap.
Big price drop on this at the moment.
Just discovered something so I thought I’d share. This game is not on the AppStore anymore, but if you still have it in your purchase history you...
Target sighted Captain, bombs away!
Looks like the premium (upfront price) version has been heavily reduced. Just dropped from $9.99 Australian down to $2.99.
Puppy Sanctuary?
I was thinking about asking the same thing. I read the comments and thought I’d check out how ruined it was but found it was exactly how I...
I was about to make an Old Mac(plash)Donald had a farm joke. But I won’t. Um, I’ll be going now...
Please correct me if I’m wrong because I really am getting confused here. I first bought the free version of Apple Knight which I believe is the...
...and all the premium skins are not there anymore. Edit: Now the paid version contains all the premium skins, each one selling for the same...
Looks like it’s back in the store with a ‘bug fixes and more’ update.
Update with controller support. I was never a ‘controller guy’ till iOS13 hit and I suddenly had an extra use for my PS4 DualShocks. I’ve since...
This excellent blast from the past just received a nice update... It’ll be interesting to see what happens from now with Pixel Hero Games, because...
Wow... your post just brought back a floodgate of memories for me. I also met a girl online ages ago who lived in Amsterdam but was originally...
Another one bites the dust.
I could be wrong, but it looks like they quietly slipped this one out the back door.
I remember when Hail to the King: Deathbat first came out, it was a pretty big deal at the time. Besides my family, I live for heavy music and...
Whoa. Oh and, nice find.
The iap shop is now active.
Ubisububi just has a genuine concern about a game he could happily play yesterday, that has suddenly changed to a GameClub game today. To him it...