Separate names with a comma. Gravity is not an obstacle in Pentumble – stick to the undersides of...
Update from the dev: Earliest estimated release time frame is September, latest would be six months from now
I playing the game Stratega and it made think of this game so I redownloaded it. I really like this game, more people should play. Looks like not...
OMG...haven't even played yet, but I just had to say how much I love the icon! So damn cool. Can't wait to play!
Thanks! Going to get this now
Oh wow this looks really really cool. It looks colorful and I like the look but I don't have the faintest idea what is going on in the picture
What is the installed size for this? I need to know so I can figure out if I will need to delete some games
This game is so cool. Yup, relative touch and really crazy hectic visuals. You can teleport and you will need to because it is so crazy hectic. A...
Good idea! I'll send them messages, thanks!
Universal now, just bought!
Oh, that's not cool. Twitch games are so fun! I definitely post here. Know any other members that like these games like this? Maybe they can help?
The number of the beast! Such devilry! Thank you for the sale. I was been interested in this game and it's a lot of fun. I like roguelikes and...
This game makes me so happy I have a CA account! I don't like the Bird games but this is my favorite game from Rovio in years! I'm almost done...
Just downloaded this! It's a lot of fun. I like RTS and I like how it's close up and not far away. It seems pretty fair for a free game and I like...