Separate names with a comma. And some details 'cuz you asked - game...
Thanks for the promo code! Played a few game, pretty funny. The strongest aspect is the visuals, with the nebulas and stars in the background....
Going to echo all the thoughts here and say that this game is excellent. Perfectly captures the hectic old school FPS gameplay that is so rare...
Added on July 27th: Space Race: The Race For Space Hazard Rush Meta Wave Deep Space Pussy Moon Control Reckless Run Impakt Flump Please Miss
Beta testing this. It's a great game. Polished, stylish design. Simple touch controls. Inventive and challenging levels. You need to manipulate...
Beta testing this. It's fun and challenging. Probably better on iPad, iPhone screen feels kind of small for the action. Simple controls, but need...
Alpha testing this. This game is destined to be a classic. Up there with FTL and Out There. Better than those games in some ways. My favorite sci...
Made a thread for the free version:
Fun game, just found it today. Worth playing!
QB1-0 - Mysterious Castle -
Rebuild Agricola A Dark Room
Posted my review in the main thread You should post your impressions there too, will probably...
Spooklands will be universal Game is now releasing August 14th, will be $0.99, no IAP New info and images [IMG] [IMG]
Really fun game, cute graphics, Zelda style puzzles with touch mechanics. Give it a try!
Get MC5 if you want something to enjoy fast, FPS, competitive multiplayer Get MH if you want a time sink, deep RPG, slower pace, challenge,...
News about mobile version:
Got an update today, can move anywhere on screen now
I loved David! Can't wait for this!
Saw Dublon RX today, a lot of fun!
Avengers 2 poster: [IMG]