Separate names with a comma.
I wish that someone finally makes an open world DEEP Space MMORPG which takes the best elements from EVE Online, ELITE and FREELANCER . Then add a...
Are you sure that there are no subtitles? E.g. in the restaurant there are subtitles... Or do I miss something?
My code is: UP75302 And my Teamname is Cromwell Would be cool, if some of you would use my code when you register :) If not, adding me as...
I am level 30 now and didn't pay a cent :) Important tips: - At the beginin upgrade your workers from level 1 to 2. - When you are going to...
I gave it a try and must say that it is quite entertaining. Seems that it offers a little more depth than Tiny Towers and Pocket Planes Ah, and I...
Full Ack! My wishlist for this game: +persistent Upgrades +Research +Choice where to aim at when attacking tanks. Example: Shoot the...
GC is absolutely not important for me and I do not like it very much. The style is ugly and looks like a cheap online casino. Apple should take a...
Wow, that are very good news! I just installed the PC demo and will give it try now. Especially the damage model concerning armoured...
I would like to have a "Light Version" or Demo for this game on iPad... I know there is one for PC, but I would like to see wether I like to...
I will give it a try, but I fear that it will be a pay2win like game. @Devs If this is the case please change it so, that any IAP does not lead...
I hope that they will implement multiplayer/player interaction elements, like trading/exchanging knowledge/aiding in quests/developing new...
Hmm, strange... There seems to be a bug in the last update. Before the last update, you could tap on a "?" Symbol in the lower left corner to get...
App joined the 4th July sales parade too! Grab it! Add me, if you want to challenge me! GC: Cr0mw3ll I can only recommend this card game! In MY opinion the best looking...
I doubt that you will find someone who would like to trade for a Huey ;) I think meanwhile everyone here has a lot of Hueys ;)
Hm, 5 hours is quite short for an adventure. But a game with that quality for such a low price is a bargain. Has anyone tried it on an iPad 1?
@Devs I never doubted that we (Toucharcade) would make it to the top.# BUT - don't get me wrong, I am content with the outcome- the system of...
Upgrading an Airport doesn't make it a class 2 Airport, alas. Or does it after some upgrades?
I encountered crashes just before I could dock and save the game after the tutorial. So, I have to do the tutorial again. :( Maybe add an...
No, I am not a Dev of this game. :) You wrote luminious, which is word that does not exist as far as I know. I used luminous, which stands for...