Separate names with a comma.
Can't wait to watch the new season, but I doubt this will hold my interest for long. Still, gonna try to play it some because I just really love...
So far so good! Runs perfectly, very smooth and crisp minimal graphics. I am on the 2nd level now and I must say I am impressed. Really cool stuff
Yes! Mine...
Damn apparently I overdrafted my account to buy this game... Hope it is worth it! :/
Ermagawd! Gimme gimme gimme now
Well, I love the show...wonder if this is any good? Looks interesting...
This looks amazing! Imps anyone? Can't believe no one has replied about this game yet!
Lol, yeah he does. He's like, "God my life sucks, all I do is stack these bricks all day. Can a robot get a night out? Damn..." Yeah I was...
Ok, I bought the hacker and now all of the text in the game is ui_talkinglikethis and ui_pissingmeoff, so can some.1 please t3ll me how to turn...
That Margot Robbie is so hot right now... #❤️#
What? Why would you 1 star this game? Because the cut the price in half? Why?
I went ahead and bought the game while its at 2.99. It seems to work fine so far, granted I am using a 6S. At least it seems like the dev is...
Well good. Hopefully they put it up on the US AppStore soon, this game deserves as much exposure as possible for its launch. Apple, you may...
Did Apple seriously not feature this game? You have got to be kidding me? This game is way more deserving than just about 98% of all the other...
This looks amazing! Wish I owned an iPad dammit!
Check the previous page... I already brought this to attention! That music is ridiculously cool! :) Also, I see the dev's name is Patrick Cook....
Damn I really want to try this game, especially for the $3 sale price. However, I am also skeptical as to whether the issues will be fixed or not....
Ditto on that, the music is otherworldly and immersive, absolutely perfect for this game! The dev should definitely release the soundtrack....
Awesome game, played the demo beta, I hope the full version is the same. Something tells me it will live up to my expectations... :)
Hyperburner! So glad to see it finally launch! I beta tested this as well and it is a FANTASTIC game! It's worth the asking price and so much...