Separate names with a comma.
Karnival-still the game thats been on my Touch the longest. Lego Harry Potter-for the sheer amount of gameplay. Angry Birds - though I...
It's a game and if it causes that much of a reaction, you have more issues than Angry Birds.
Crimson Gem Saga-It may actually be a good game, but the controls killed it. And yes, I know they updated it and tweaked them but they still suck....
Sorry if I sounded cruel. My intention was not to sound like an a-hole but I'm so tired of hearing the same thing over and over and over again...
That doesn't say much for the avg intelligence of an iphone user though. :P (that was a joke in case people wonder.)
What a whiney twat you are.
Thats just the stupidest thing I've ever heard not to mention an insult to the dev. Once again the selfishness of some iOS gamers rears its ugly...
Let me add my congratulations as well. It truly makes me happy to see your success.
Went to d/l this this morning and it seems to be pulled from the app store. Guess those 1 star reviews complaining about the IAP finally sunk in.
Even though I really disliked Necromancer Rising, I'll be getting this as soon as it comes out. A collector's edition is a stroke of genius and I...
I don't know what Android device you're using but mine is every bit as responsive to me as my ipod Touch. Though I'm not surprised to see you...
Yeah who needs that extra power and graphics capability of a desktop to browse anyway... :rolleyes:
It's always wonderful to see a country take care of its own problems before the U.S. steps in to solve it and make it worse. :P good luck to...
Yes you can. My only regret is that it's not available to buy on my Android.
Saw this and thought it was interesting: They're also ceasing production on all music titles.
I had so many refutations of your opinion here, but didn't bother because as my old psychology professor used to say, "It's like trying to teach a...
Yes because that 99 cents you paid covers everything all of their costs.
Sounds like your intelligence is lacking with that ignorant comment. virtual joysticks work okay but will never be in the same league as analog...
Not neccesarily; there've been a few of arrests over the past couple of years here where people with laser pointers have blinded police helicopter...
I also remember those days-most of 'em anyway, but I also know if we grew up with the current technology, we'd bitch about the same thing today's...