Separate names with a comma.
Tanken many thanks 4TFFJM3JM43X
Giving this a try and I love clicker games to pass a few minutes
Love a good clicker game is it out now or coming soon?
I agree the game starts a little too hard and the controls feel a little bit off. Otherwise love the art style and game otherwise, need more time...
Playing this right now! Happy days
Awesome I'm sure it will be worth the wait
Big fan of the first Phoenix but just not enjoying this as much as I'd hoped. Can't put my finger on it reall, but I'll keep trying it for now
Joined the list just. When do we get to give this a try?
Same here never got a test flight invite can I still join [email protected] many thanks
Yes I'm wondering if its still happening, I hope it is
Giving this one a try and hoping the puzzles aren't to hard and that it's a relaxing experience on normal. It just looks and sounds too good not...
I'll help out too [email protected]
Cool looking forward to this today any idea what time it will be in the UK app store?
Love shoot em ups, wonder if this is any good
Looks cool I've sent you a PM with my email
Looks nice what are the IAP's like and does it require online to play?
Looks cool and for free I'm giving it a download to try and If it's good and fun I'll buy and IAP to remove ads. Also looking forward to the update
Yes it's a great shooter and I'm enjoying playing it. You're right I'm sure it will get more attention once it's out worldwide
Another update but I sort of lost interest in this as the timers just stop you playing and I just wanted to play this and support the developer...
Cool can't wait to download this and give it a try