Separate names with a comma.
Message for the Devs Never mistake
Outstanding! Just another awesome and UNIQUE genre mash-up from the Foursaken team! Thanks again for the hard work and outstanding gameplay!...
Ha! AGREED! I said almost the exact same thing in the Block Fortress thread...... My point was that, since Bug Heroes is out now, Warlords and...
Siap... Is the multiplayer pvp handled through Gamecenter or is there an in-game friends list? Thanks....
My body is ready.... Wow! I can't believe I am just now hearing/seeing this.....I love Block Fortress and this will be outstanding I am sure....
Lookin forward to this! Really my only anticipated iOS game right now...
Never mind
Agreed!! Thanks again to the Devs/Pub.....I have been putting off playing this game until they added all this content and now it's finally...
Awesome! Add me for multiplayer! GameCenter: (Twenty-One)
Isn't this out for iOS tomorrow?
FYI: Release is on Nov 5th for $7.... Looking forward to it!
Great game as usual from Rubicon! However I am VERY disappointed that there is no asynch play!
SWEEEEET!! Great news! Hopefully the multiplayer will be more objective based compared to Ace Patrol... Speaking of, if anyone wants to add...
AWESOME! Can't wait to play....thanks again, Paul!
Multiplayer is AWESOME!! That is all....
FWIW, I am on an iPad 2 with iOS 6 and I am having NO problems....yet. I turned off the tutorial, auto save and soldier voices. I also have...
Really looking forward to this.....probably the only game I even care about in the foreseeable future, other than Autumn Dynasty Warlords of course!
FINALLY--- MULTIPLAYER! :D Lets get a list going of those who are looking to add people for multiplayer: GameCenter: (Twenty-One) Add me!
Thanks! Looking forward to it!
Really one of the few iOS games I am looking forward to..... Anyway, I believe they are releasing in October if I remember correctly.