Separate names with a comma.
As well as the 119 countries already featured in we have now been added to the 'New Games We Love' category in the US as well. Any feedback on...
Hi, we are looking at the end of July for the update that will increase the max HQ level in game.
Now featured by Apple in 115 countries to boot!
Rising Warriors - 80 vs 80 Battle System (By FredBear Games) Description: Warriors, draw your swords and prepare for battle! Rising Warriors is...
So many features packed into this, looks like it will be agem :)
Not too far at all! Worldwide release is now only 2 weeks away! Check out all these new additonal features that have been worked on during...
Hi - Could I ask you to drop a message with this issue and your Play ID (Found top left of screen by tapping your name) at the Official Rising...
Rising Warriors soft launch has been extended TODAY to the following 5 countries: Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Norway Check it out...
Lots of improvements being made to Rising Warriors as we edge towards our now official July 7th 2016 global release date. Recent new and...
The Global Launch for our upcoming 2D Online Battle Strategy iOS game - Rising Warriors is scheduled for 7th July 2016. PRE REGISTER at the...
Hi, Yes on the next update (Around one week) the Max Level will go up to Level 15
Managed to get hold of a copy of this and getting really stuck into it, nice concept.
My girlfriend (Wife) is a fat chick, although thankfully (?) it's because she's preggo (again!) and hopefully she doesn't get so fat she pops like...
Fatty Chick now released and Featured on the Apple Homepage in 79 Countries so far - Are you ready to see how Fat your Chick gets?...
Very intriguing indeed, will keep our eyes peeled for more details on this. Is there any way of following progress on this, web/FB page etc?
Hi to All We here at Fredbear Games are looking to supplement our third party marketing portfolio with our own published portfolio and we now...
This looks stunning to say the least, kudos to the devs. @Craftshop Arts Inc, do you have a business enquiries contact email or other contact...
Hercules II second batch of promo codes for your Touch Arcaders - Enjoy! TTYTNT334LEJ EN7697A6EXYY A4KHYAEFY6RA L4W636HNJ7W4 Y4ELR64F3TTE...
Thanks for the comments, the new website is under construction, but we'll look to check out the current iPad viewing issues anyway. Few more...