Separate names with a comma.
While I agree, I still say Chrono Trigger > no Chrono Trigger. Regardless of porting laziness. If the iOS device is all you've got, it's a...
I'm guessing "do tiny spins that don't count until the item you want is far enough away, then spin just right to get it".
I'm a big fan of both XIII and X-2, actually. And this is coming from someone who grew up playing FF1, and everything in the series after that,...
If the question is CT versus no CT, easy call, buy it for whatever you own. Sounds like if you own a DS, though, you should get the DS version.
Well, definitely buy one or the other. Chrono Trigger is a game you absolutely shouldn't miss out on.
I can't think of too many compelling reasons to buy this again instead of pulling out my DS and playing it again on there, with (apparently)...
Keys get more expensive with each rebirth. They quickly become more expensive than prize wheels. It's a good idea to stock up on as many of...
Big Prize Wheel often gets you items that are worth more than the price of entry. Same with the regular Prize Wheel, actually; Rare Prize Wheel,...
Infinity Flade 2 :) You'll still need to use the multitask bar trick to run the game, currently. I've got an iPad 1 and 5.01 and said method...
You don't have to go to NG+, but your NG+ will be stuck at whatever level you beat him at, so even if you keep playing OG, you'll never get...
Agreed, it sounds too much like a Kairosoft knock-off. Adventure Bar might be sufficient and is kind of intriguing :)
My guy's build is total glass cannon, all my stat points go into attack. That makes it possible to kill the first guy, at least, and the ones...
I see some people trashing the gameplay hard, here. That makes me think it's just not your kind of game, because I'm having tons of fun with it,...
No, it doesn't do that. There's only one OG slot and one NG+ slot, and once you get to Rebirth^3 it still uses the same NG+ slot. (And yes, I've...
Yeah. Use a different weapon if you run into enemies with resistance against that element. If you're relying a lot on elemental damage, you...
If you hit an enemy (or an enemy hits you) with an elemental attack, there's some continuous damage similar to getting poisoned in an RPG. The...
Honestly? When this game is finished, it'll be fantastic. Everything IB1 was and far more. Right now, it's everything IB1 was and far more bugs....
Still crashes on iPad 1, and the iCloud save bug is still there, so... yeah, there's bound to be some disappointment. It's not as important as...
Have you tried it? A lot of people were having problems with this. It could have been fixed in the update, though.
Nope. When you unlock NG+, your OG save no longer affects your NG+ save, so no matter how much you level in OG, you'll never get stronger in NG+...