Separate names with a comma.
I could be totally wrong but I think PeteOzzy was banned from TA and he might now be involved with Pocket Gamer.
@ZS77 Nicely done. I love this and promote it whenever I get a chance. :)
Loving this game. Bought all three IAP to support the developer.
That's great. People are going to love it!
That's great. I really look forward to seeing it.
I think that's more of an Android problem. There is some piracy on iOS but it's no worse then PC or console games.
You know it. I haven't given up on mobile but I've scaled back and picked up on PC gaming again. There still a trickle of decent premium titles...
The great pricing strategy wars for mobile is over. Freemium won and premium apps have been relegated to an outliner strategy.
- Were against Pay-to-Win: A premium game with no microtransactions That's a great answer.
Nintendo isn't targeting you so never.
I just found this game and it looks quite good. I'm excited to give it a whirl.
Redeemed 9RWW7NXR67HJ Thank you!
I don't know what happened but I do know the developer is going through some hard times and closed some of their studios. I really loved the...
Quick update. The developer confirmed this game is going to come out on iPad this year....
I voted to greenlight it on Steam but for me it's a iPad purchase over Steam.
Both games are great. Should also include XCOM Enemy Within to the list.
I'm tempted to shove my rasberry pi into a potato to test this out.
I know you guys are going to think I'm a jerk for saying this but I would rather see a developer target newer devices with better specs. I know...
Forget the iPad 2. I still own one myself but it's barely usable with iOS 9.
This is such an awesome idea. I loved taking chemistry in high school and college even though I've barely grasped it.