Separate names with a comma.
Well the game's out! Couldn't get my copy today though :( Any impressions? The reviews for it so far have been praising it non stop 90+ on...
[media] Holy crap! It's 12 full minutes of gameplay! The destruction as expected looks awesome! EDIT: Okay, didn't realize it was already on the...
Ugh still sounds like level 9 will be a hassle to do. I hate level 8, death kites drain my health so fast with their fireball attack and if I...
I have a level 7 superior hungry fire buckler (281.8 Armor and 1.1 Vampiric) up for grabs if anyone wants it. Also, not sure if anyone wants this...
So how exactly does arena work? I went up to the portal, set my name and entered the arena but after that nothing happened and I can't interact...
I'm fairly sure there's a guy in the basement somewhere typing in the food names after receiving the picture. But in all seriousness, that does...
The games in the bundle actually look quite interesting. Even if I don't play it much, the money is going towards a good cause.
Orange Box is a must! Comes with TF2, Portal and all the Half Life 2 games. If you like RTS games, Starcraft 2 is probably the best choice right...
Wasn't GT5 like 5 years in the making? I don't actually think the amount of cars really matter because most of them are junk cars that aren't good...
554bf0be :d
iPod touch 4G, 4.3.1. I was just playing it again after deleting the apps in the multitasking bar and it stopped crashing so maybe it was due to...
Retina Update looks great but it's already crashed twice. Once when selecting to play campaign and once during the load from the 'store' to the...
[media] Moar footage. The way you run with the gun is a tad bit odd.
NFS Shift 2 anyone? I'm trying to look for a good racing wheel now but can't find anything for the Xbox 360 besides some expensive ones.
I think I'm shooting while it's in transition from Cloak to Armor mode. Maybe I'm just shooting before switching to Armor :p
Well, I wouldn't say it's broken at all. I had the vanishing Nano catalysts bug as well but it's not a major nuisance and I barely noticed it....
I'm using Proximity Sensor, the module that makes you invisible to UAVs and the faster reload module. The proximity sensor is probably my...
So I just beat the campaign and here are my thoughts. It's probably one of my favorite FPS campaigns to date, it's really fun and strategic. I...
Bwahahaha that is such a slap to the face. Surprised they have the audacity to delay Duke Nukem forever once again but why am I not surprised...
Anyone interested in Shift 2? The first one was alright but this looks quite good, although if I just had a wheel I could enjoy it heaps more....