Separate names with a comma.
Yeah the slicing of enemies is spot on. Also, and this is a holy $#!+ moment, if you hold down on rhe screen for a second, start aiming at an...
I like seeing the devs active and super responsive. That alone was reason enough to support this. For $2, why not? By the way, the app icon is...
Based on the 6/1/17 update to the article, looks like this game is gaming gold is this not in the hot apps list like Sonic and Phantasy...
Now if they can give us the Shinobi series!
I purchased this and don't regret it one second! This game is fantastic. It'ls a level puzzler and (so far) 2 ninjas work together to get to the...
Wow this game is fan-frickin-tastic. I agree that this game captures the "Another World" visual aestetics. The movement is just right and touch...
Hell of a week for premium games! DL'ing now
Wow having a good tome woth this. There is definitely that zone you go into with this game. I've played too many that are too complicated or too...
A winning week for premium games indeed! Purchased #
Whoever that was in the video playing is truly a ninja. That was pretty insane
Looking for more imps. Loving the look. Is this a strategic Metal Gear meets action ninja platforming of sorts?
The new icon is bad@$$ !!!!######
Terrible IAP fest. There could be a game here but the mentization that I see in place is offensive. Very early on I hit a grind, as in not even 30...
I didn't realize there was a distinction Lol So, would be a low level player starting with a new character be viable for me? It sounds like a...
But the app description stating this is for low level players + stating starting a nee character is also a good idea leads me to believe thisbis a...
Many great points have been made, but I gravitate towards LoS' points about supporting the dev with the $5 IAPs. I'm on the road, leaving VERY...
Ahhh, I love seeing a new Noodlecake game. There should be an auto-download button for certain delevopers...Noodlecake, I solute you!
Yes, several in fact. When you get to a new boss, you can tap on the play button which takes you to their youtube channel. So far it's all gamers...