Separate names with a comma.
on second thought, has anyone heard whether they plan to implement any form of multiplayer, local or otherwise? Id REALLY like this play through...
Im wondering what the price will be to purchase Eternal Throne, or how this will shake out for those of us who own the base version? I see the...
i believe it’s the original with 5 dlc included. For $4.99, it is the STEAL of all steals. The original was pretty meaty as is, this is gonna eat...
I second these hectic moments. Few things are as exhilarating as barreling through a dungeon labryinthe as you hear doors opening from hallways...
Dudes... this is gonna be so sick. I’m so pumped this is happening. The game is so good.... some of the most tense moments in gaming I’ve had with...
HOOOOOLY CRAP, YESSSS!!! I STILL play dungeon of the endless on my ipad, absolutely one my favorite dungeon crawler/tower defense titles in...
After losing 40+ consecutive runs, I finally got my first non-daily win with the Silent. The 3 Catalyst cards, coupled with multiple poison stacks...
Or you could literally read this forum thread and see that the TSLCRM has been ported to mobile and that this version of KOTOR II is mod...
Peronsally, I think the fuss about controls was WAAAAY overblown. Sure, its not as crisp and responsive as say, Dead Cells, but it is still very...
EXACTLY. Like, wtf....if you don’t like it just ignore and move on. I’m STOKED this is even coming out on mobile. It’s insane the price thing...
Here is what blows me away: Im seeing complaints about the price..... like....what? KOTOR2 is MASSIVE, and contains HOURS upon HOURS of content,...
Picked this up yesterday, I honestly had no idea what to expect before jumping in, but was pleasantly surprised. Touch controls are manageable,...
god damn legend, beating the game. I. Still working my way through the BCs And idk what that THING is... but I fear it already.
So I have been using my ds4 with this title, as there is rudimentary controller support. There is no controller map or anything, so I thought I’d...
Just a real quick FYI: I reached out to 11bit with two questions, one about Controller support and the other about the Between Dimensions DLC and...
that is super frustrating and I have yet to encounter any of the game breaking bugs that have been listed here. Hopefully this gets ironed out...
Just coming back for more impressions... this game is so fun to me. Some of the most tense gaming sessions I’ve had in a while. Diving for...
I've used both control options, and for me, the virtual joystick is far FAR superior to the tap to move w/ Auto attack. Personally, I HATE auto...
Purchased this because it looks rad; essentially a rogue lite coupled with Overlord or Picmin, be warned: the controls and UI are ASS. No...
@macplash any BC2 tips? Just finished my first BC1 hok kill and I’m getting completely re-fucked by the difficulty spike lol do I need to get my...