Separate names with a comma.
Only picked up a very select few, but one that really stood out for me was Iron Marines. Oh, and Djinn Caster. This one really deserves more...
Top10 games in Apple and the Developer/Publisher's Eyes. At least that's what i would have titled it. :D Except for Infinity Blade and maybe even...
Yeah just saw on steam too. Maybe we can get the same treatment in a month or two? Maybe migrating the software to iOS can take just a bit more...
Jump Drive and Sir Vival look amazing.
Sad to hear they had to switch to free to play, buti guess that doesnt bother me as much as i gave up on this one a whie back. Twas a fantastic...
Hooyes! Congrats on the release Keybol!
Since she likes Sudoku and Freecell how about introduce her to Threes? For visual puzzles i recommend Blueprint 3D (not sure if ios11 ready...
Depends on the devs. I had a few which gave out some form of incentive, at the very least, a promo code for the final release, and i've had ones...
Wow.... Im glad this is updated. I wonder if the original Shadowgun will get the same treatment? Would complete my list of must-have to get into...
by "Dung Nguyen"
Iron Marines. Like starcraft on mobile.
A new bundle in the shop free. S'what i got on halloween.
Huh? I dont see any updates on my end...
I guess that just means it's a premium, if you choose to buy it as such.
One of the best of 2017 for me... In my opinion, better than any of the devs Kingdom Rush series which is also a fantastic set of games. At this...
Really enjoyed the first one, but remembered a paywall which prompted me to delete. Hopefully this has better balancing.
Dead Effect is pretty good. The sequel is much better in terms of gameplay, but since the convert to freemium, it has become grindy to progress...
^Not having Inferno+ and Inferno 2 is a sin. And Transistor isnt dual stick. :D Great post though. ;)
Hello and welcome Lucia! I do have one Q... What triggers the character bundle sales? Does Ironhide have manual control over it?
Holy hell this looks good.