Separate names with a comma.
I've always wondered if I was the only (OCD) person who did this, haha. I always seem to have a handful of games that I do this for, even if I'm...
Only had time to go through some tutorials at this point, but it's decent so far!
I'm really bummed about how this Apple TV strategy has turned out. I thought being able to install apps was really going to make this a go to...
Looks pretty good to me, downloading now. Hopefully will be able to do campaign only and not have to worry about being raided by other players...
Maybe: Into the Dead or Boson X (sorry, can't recall what the ad situation is for either at the moment)
I think this is looking really good so far! Good job! :-)
Agree with needing a button to toggle the hero abilities due to misclicking or timing... but I haven't yet determined what the cool down rate is...
It is currently showing up in the US App Store for me...
hahaha This was going to be my post, exactly!
As far as sending a team out, are you thinking of MedCorps?
I'm pretty happy that a lot of the old games I wanted to see on iOS have shown up (Pacman, Centipede, Defender, et al) but I really wish on old...
Awwww, look how cute that tiny phone looks in the photo, so adorable! ;)
I'll be honest, after having gotten all my devices working with GC again after doing complete restore from PC backup, I'm in no hurry whatsoever...
Funny, I was thinking almost similar thoughts - was wondering if there were any other TD games (even of the standard variety) which offered as...
Tower Defense + Card crafting? Yep, will definitely have to check this one out over the weekend, looks decent from the gameplay videos I've seen....
"the freemium stuff"? Uh, did you post this comment in the wrong thread, by chance? Mystic Castle went on sale for free for a short while, but...
I remember getting cable installed and having access to Nickelodeon but more importantly watching a show called 'Pop Clips' - it was like a half...