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Is iTunes 10 available for anyone yet...?
omg apparently this year they decided to make the iPod Touch more expensive in Canada... :( $319 for the 32gb. Unless that's just at the Apple...
if what will...? The 8gb is 229 now, so I'm sure it has all the same features.
Why can't the iPod Touch have FM Radio :(
nvm, it has pictures. :)
So let me know if I get this right... It has a front-facing camera for facetime and a back-facing camera for HD recording... but no regular...
Game Center is coming out today?!?! edit: nvm, next week. I wonder if there's a way to sign up for Game Center names early :)
lolol, up to 30 mil now. Average is about 18 mil. edit: 53 mil now in about 5 mins.
Awesome game. I don't see what's so hard about it though xD my highscore is already 16.3 million and my average is about 11 :P Maybe I'm just...
I guess I'll just cave in and buy it -.- I was hoping to wait for a sale, but it's cruisin up the rankings again, so I guess a sale won't happen...
noooobs, april 24th 2010 was the post date of that video.
I just discovered this app... it's amazing... You can listen to almost any...
Just coming in to say that this person should feel embarrassed.
Did you have to make it any less awesome?
It must have gotten rejected... That's harsh... :(
Many links are coming your way. :D
Is that sarcasm, or am I missing something from squareball other than moving a black and white screen from right to left with the right timing...?
Apple gives Squareball an awful lot of publicity... I've seen it featured so many other times in the past... It's not even that amazing of a game,...
I personally think it is.
you're a dick. I can't wait an entire week :(