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6Y6HYYR9F4FR got thankyou
Yeah pretty much that, I guess like the piracy "scene" that release movies that end up on torrents, no money in it, just the honor of being first...
That would be hard for a developer, cydia software such as Appckr uses scripts which modify apples drm and removes purchase information, things...
Hmm kind of tiny on iPhone isn't it? Thankyou anyways I've played worse games
J6HH77PYARPY thankyou so much
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" seems apt. It's a good thing, apple have seen deficits in their operating system that have been...
Hmm fall release date... Wonder if thats intended to coincide with the release date of the new ipad and iphone(s)
Ha! So you're a NZer as well?
Oh bugger.
I guess the same as ipad mini and ipad 3ish, so pretty darn good, there are a few frame rate problems I've noticed on the mini, but nothing game...
No crashes just a lot of momentary freezes in frame rate, it doesn't look terrible, just not as good as Nfsmw graphics wise, therefore not as fun....
I just loaded this onto my old touch 4 to compare with newer devices, horrible horrible frame rate, bordering on unplayable, lots of dropped...
A bit like Nights into dreams on sega Saturn?
Has anyone noticed EA have taken down FIFA 12 and below? I wonder if theyll do that to 13 when 14 comes out
Wait. Ipad mini 2nd gen out October, retina display, prob similar specs to iPhone 5 eg: A6 CPU 1GB RAM
No no, don't worry about that, just a side effect of an experiment, it's to do with 1st gen iPads, nothing to do with iPod touch 4
Perfectly just like raiden does. I even force installed the ipa file onto an ipad 1 and.... it works fine. Breaks syncing with iTunes though. So...
Wow, just got killed by the level three boss, this is great! Haven't played r type since I had it on game boy in the 90's, interestingly this...
Sky gamblers, r type and this, man what an awesome nite
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squeal !!!!!!!!